The Smart Schools
initiative is one of the flagship application that are part of Malaysia’s
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) projected. The Government of Malaysian aims to
capitalize on the presence of leading-edge technologies and the rapid
development of the MSCs infrastructure to jump-start deployment of enabling
technology to schools. This project will be done by creating a group of 90
Pilot Smart Schools by 1999. The Pilot Smart School serve for the teaching and
learning concepts and materials, skills and technologies.
The Smart
School has their own objective such as the project will develop individuals who
are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and
harmonious. The Smart Schools will transformed the culture and practices of
Malaysian primary and secondary schools that moving away from memory
based-learning but it will stimulate the individual to think more creative and
caters individual abilities and styles of teaching and learning concept.
Besides, the individual get more knowledge about a technology and became a
responsibility person in their education life. The Smart School objectives will
increase participation of stakeholders and it also democratize education. The
project also prepare the citizens for the information age through an innovative
education delivery process.
The Malaysian
Smart School is a learning institution that systematically reinvented in terms
of teaching and learning component. There are four waves of the Smart School
implementation such as the first wave are The Pilot Phase in 1999-2002. The second wave are The
Post-Pilot in 2002-2005, it involved the lessons learnt from the Pilot. The
third wave are the making all schools Smart in 2005-2010 and the fourth waves
is the consolidate and stabilize, technology becomes an integral part of the
nation’s learning process in 2010-2020. The objectives of the Smart School are
to produce a thinking and technology-literate workforce and democratize
education. It also to increase participation of stakeholders and to provide
opportunities to enhance individuals strengths and abilities in education.
The pilot phase
is the pelan of the original implementation Pelan, it use to prepare a Master Pelan
to ensure that all schools in the country become smart schools in stages by the
year of 2010. The Government of Malaysia is expected to play the role of
architect and driver for the Smart School project in the few way such as they
prepare the guideline and provide the basic amenities to schools according to
their individuals needs. The Government also actively encourage all schools to
become Smart Schools on their own initiative by using their own financial
resources and expertise. The pilot phase also introduced the ICT infrastructure
and system, supported service in the form of centralized Help Desk and a data
centre, the provision of training for teachers, Principals and Schools Heads in
smart teaching and learning, the use of the application software, courseware
and ICT literacy. The Pilot Phase also involved the post of an ICT Coordinator
for Smart Schools approved by the MOE and made available to assists teachers in
the day-to-day operation of infrastructure and the dedicated software.
The second wave
Of the Smart School are Post Pilot Phase that are involved ICT as a key enables
learning. This will obtain more stakeholders support to the nationwide
implementation of the Smart School. The second wave also monitoring and
corrective action to achieved and attaining target in the Smart School vision.
The third wave of the Smart School are Making All Schools Smarts (MASS) is one
of the MOE’s strategies to complement
the National Education Policy which calls for holistic development of students
and teachers. There are the policy statement of National Education Policy such
as ICT for all students, ICT as a teaching tool, ICT as a subject and ICT as a
subject component and ICT to improve productivity, efficiency and effectiveness
of the management system.
The four wave
of the Smart Schools are consulate and
stabilize. Therefore, technology becomes key enable in teaching and learning
and the computers will be made available for teachers use so that they can
manage the learning process better. The measure will be taken to enhance the
infrastructure in localities where electricity supply is a problem such as for
example, battery-powered computers will be used in places that are prone to
electricity shortage.
Smart School Initiative in the Teaching and Learning Component
The Smart School
initiatives are focusing in teaching and learning component, there are four main areas which are
curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and teaching-learning material. The Smart
School curriculum must achieved the goals of National Philosophy of Education.
The curriculum must be socially responsible, multicultural, reflective,
open-ended, goal-based, technological and meaningful.
The curriculum
shall promote holistic learning, and it allowing children to progress at their
own way and think in their capabilities.
It also educated children to think more creative thinking skills and
helps students achieve overall balanced development. The overall balanced
development involve communication, cognitive, affective and physical or social.
The curriculum also integration of knowledge, skills, values, and correct use
of language across the curriculum. The integration of elements is suitable for
the Information Age. In addition, the curriculum activities shall make the
teaching and learning process become more interesting and more fun for students
to involved. The example of activities are community service activities,
subject-related activities and so on.
The pedagogy of the Smart School is important
to achieved the high level of thinking skills and to improve the students
knowledge in ICT. It also provide the different learning experience for the
student. The pedagogy will make learning more interesting, motivating,
stimulating and meaningful to all students. The
Smart School pedagogy is student-centred learning. This make students
have challenge to get information from other people. The pedagogy also involve
the children minds, spirit and bodies in the learning process. It also builds
the basic skills as to prepare the students greater challenges over time. The pedagogy also encouragement of learning
activities to promote creativity and experimentation with content-independent
subjects while maintaining sufficient rigour in content-dependent subject. The
pedagogy can manage the student behavior and it also can manage classroom
The Smart
Schools assessment are to integration of technology as a tool enables the
on-line assessment and conducted in order to show the strength and the
abilities of the student. The Smart School assessment will be flexible and
learner-friendly. It assure the information are good quality. It also provide
an accurate picture of a student’s performance. The teaching learning material
of the Smart School is designed to achieved the objective of the Smart School
concept. The teaching and learning materials will help the students to get a
better understanding of the lessons and it will motivates students to learns
and encourages active participation of the students. The element-based
assessment focuses on the elements that students possess or must develop
through the subject in the school curriculum. The example of subject and the
element are the communication and social-emotional development. Through
communication, the element that can students achieved are the ability to
demonstrate their ideas. While in social-emotional development, students will
able to work cooperatively in a group and share their knowledge.
The other component are teaching and learning
materials. The teaching and learning materials can make students to better
understanding of the subject in the classroom. The teaching and learning
material make students become a cognitively challenging, attractive, motivates
students to learn and encourages active participation of the students. The students
will take responsibility for managing and directing their own learning. There
are five main criteria for the selection and evaluation guideline for teaching
and learning materials such as the cosmetic adequacy, technical adequacy,
instruction adequacy, cost effectiveness and curriculum adequacy. The cosmetic
adequacy involved graphic quality, video quality, animation quality, layout
quality and other.
Besides, the
technical adequacy must user friendly and clear and comprehensive manuals and
guides. The curriculum adequacy must promote values skill, knowledge and
language across the curriculum. The cost
effectiveness is value for money and the instruction adequacy are promote
vertical and horizontal integration. The
students have different learning style, thus they need a variety of materials
to maximize their learning potential. The use of conventional media such as 3D
objects and audio or visual material still feature in Smart Schools but it is
highly integrated with computer based media. The teacher must know how to use
ICT with teaching and learning materials in their classroom to promote students
to focus in their teaching.
Use of the Technology as Enables Contained in the Smart Schools Concept
To prepare the students for
the challenges of the new era of technologies, Smart School program are
introduced with ICT. ICT literacy is emphasized in the Malaysian education
system to develop learning skills such as critical thinking, analysis of
information, effective communication and problem-solving. It also provides
support to learning, teaching, administrative and management processes within
the education system. Multiple intelligences thinking, essential for
personalized learning, is incorporated into the school curriculum to enable
students understand concepts and ideas.
plays a significant role in developing these intelligences. Personal, social,
knowledge, acquisition, scientific, generic, mathematical, environmental,
creativity and skills are integrated across the curriculum. In order to ensure
the Smart School program to be success, The Ministry of education Malaysia has
formulated a national ICT policy in education, and a master plan to implement
policies, with sufficient allocation of budget to ensure effectiveness. There
are some uses of ICT that have been identified.
ICT is a key enabler for learning. In Smart School, the use of ICT as supporting tool in teaching
and learning process has the implication to the process. For each
teaching-learning practices, ICT is widely use throughout the process. For
example, in self learning, the uses of computer provide the source of latest
educational materials in a single click, as well as to external resources such
as reference books and journals. For collaborative learning, ICT is used as a tool
that facilitates group work within the class and across the class. Distance
learning also can be convenient by using ICT that enable long distance
communication using technology such as video conferencing or email. The use of
software or courseware helps the student to stimulate learning in experimental
learning process and very useful for drill and practices purpose, where it
allows the students to practice on their own or with peer. In research,
reference and data collecting, ICT act as a tool to search, collect and collate
information. By using ICT, the electronic assessment can be performing by using
built-in assessment courseware.
Through ICT, teachers are able to create interactive
classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student
attendance and concentration. Teachers can use ICT devices such as projector,
interactive whiteboard and computer in order to enhance their teaching process.
Schools need to work towards increasing use of ICT in education. ICT has the
potential to be an effective teaching and learning tool. The use of ICT
provides greater efficiency throughout the school, increase in communication
channels through email, discussion groups and chat rooms, and a motivational
influence on students learning. By using these devices, teachers are able to
create interactive classes and make their lessons more enjoyable. Furthermore,
students also will give their full attention during the teaching and learning
process. Students learning experiences and learning outcomes can be improved by
the use of ICT. Students and teachers will also can develop their new
strategies and ways of thinking in response to new experience and the lifting
of existing constraints.
ICT can improve the retentive memory of students. Through ICT, images can be used in
teaching in the class and improving the retentive memory of students. This is
because developing children have high memory skills. They are also easy to
absorb new things that they had learned. In Smart School program, government
had provided so many devices and applications that can help the students to
improve their retentive memory such as computer and application software. For
self-exploratory learning of students, every computer shall have access to the
latest educational materials available locally, as well as to external
resources. Although using ICT in their learning process, students also should
be able to discuss with their friends through collaborative learning. In Smart
School program, there are provided with the tools that facilitate group work
within the class and across classes. By using this way, students can improve
their memory skills when discuss with their friends. For the disabilities
student, inclusive educations are provided. It is a tool to help students with
disabilities cope with learning more effectively.
By using ICT in teaching and learning process, teachers
can easily explain complex instructions and ensure student’s comprehension. To
strengthen their teaching, therefore teacher need considerable support and adequate
training both in learning to use technology and in thinking through how to
integrate its use into the day-to-day work of the class. This provides
opportunities for development in ways in which they themselves feel
appropriate. It is helpful for teachers to have knowledge of ways in which ICT
can improve student understanding when planning learning sequences and guidance
on what is available and how and when it might used.
Through ICT,
teachers can easily explain complex instruction such as during experimental
class. During experiential learning, teachers can use simulation software and
virtual reality to stimulate learning. By this way, students are able to
understand more. For the research, reference and data collection, there are
tools for students and teachers to search, collect and collate information. The
IT implications in Smart School also provide students and teachers with
electronic assessment which is on-line assessment via standard database and
built-in assessment courseware.
ICT also gives benefit to school management such as for
school governance. ICT can be implies using computer communication such as
video conferencing to link the school to the Ministry of Education for
administration and policy implementation purpose. School management such as
student affairs department, can stores information about their students
efficiently using computers and database instead of stores manually to maintain
student profiles. By using this way, teachers can store the information about
their students safely without thinking of data to be lost.
Teachers also
can get their educational resources using computer communications to link the
schools databases to central resource database to regulate and organize
educational resources. Schools also can manage their financial using computer
communication to link to the schools database to facilitate budgeting,
accounting and reporting. For human resource management, ICT can implies by
using computer communication to link the schools databases to the State Education
Departments for human resources management purpose. For the technology
management, schools can use computer communication for the purpose of acquiring
centralized IT support for the school.
ICT also give benefits for linkages to external
constituencies. For the example, ICT implication of linkages to constituencies
such as to the other schools, optimal sharing of information and resources to
encourage collaborative learning on a subject among schools. Besides, by using
ICT distance learning enables students to keep track of school work even when
they are not physically in school. Parents also can access the school for
feedback on their children’s progress. The Smart School can be a community
centre to enable community involvement in school activities. The community can
also use the Smart School as an on-going learning centre. Smart School also
provides libraries with research, reference and data collection resource
available on-line. Schools also can link with the certain universities and
colleges by using ICT. Distance learning on topics by experts in the field and research data can be conducted.
Furthermore, school also can access to information on industries, and career
opportunities, industrial practical training and sponsorship programs offered
by these industries.
the progression made so far since inception of Smart School in Malaysia
Since the
inceptions of Smart School in Malaysia, there are a lot of progression had
being conducted to match with goal. These are the outline of the progression
had been carried out in the period from 1998 until 2008 which are reviewing the
implementation of Smart Schools and the training of Bestari teachers in
Started from 28
September 1992, the proclamation of Malaysia become a develop nation in its own
mould by 2020, form a starting point for developed of a cluster of smart
schools. It would require the implementation of the formation of seven applied
multi-media corridor. Early 1996, there was discussion about Smart School by
the Ministry of Education on the concept and it implication on the Malaysian
education system. Late 1996, the Smart school became one of the seven flagship
application of Multimedia Super Corridor. In January 1997, the vision of the
Smart School in the document “Smart School in Malaysia: A Quantum Leap”. This
type of blueprint was produced by February 1999 until June 1999 and
establishment of a project team comprised by the industry representatives,
multimedia development corporation officers, and officers of the ministry of education.
They were charged with the task of proposing the necessary guideline for
launching the Smart School. The team obtained various kind of resources by made
the study visits to Smart School various part of the world and reported their
Started from
1999 until 2002, 88 schools were selected to run as smart school, of which 82
were existing institutions and six were new ones: SMK Putrajaya 1, SK putrajaya
1, SK Putrajaya 2, SMK Seri Bintang Utara, SK Seri Bintang Utara and SK Seri
Bintang Selatan. These schools are all provided with ICT equipment, including
5809 computer sets and 261 computer technician. In 2003 the education system
had started the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in public
school to be conducted in English and the using of interactive courseware
during class. In 2006 until 2010 the government has implemented the “in
cultured school with smart technology” program as an agenda in the education
development master plan (EDMP). This program was to ensure the achievement of
more Smart Schools. The implementation of this program, the government can
optimize its expenditures on setting up a Bestari school by utilizing and
improve the existing infrastructures.
training in Malaysia
The training smarts school
was conducted for teachers from the pioneer Smart School project. At the early
stage, on 1998 until 2000 the duration of Bestari teachers training was 14
week. However, 2001 until 2003 the training become in-serving course (KDP) of
12 week to satisfy teachers training requirement in Sarawak. This is because to
attend this training programme, the teacher are required to satisfy the
condition that they are already confirm in service, whereas teacher selected in Sarawak were not confirm their in service.
Thus the services period was reduced from 14 weeks to 12 week. During that time
of training, all the teachers participated had been supplied with computer
laboratory facilities.
In 2004 until 2005, the training period once
again changed from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. This is because another issue was come
up about teacher being away from school and it gave effect to the school which
faced with the shortage of teachers. In
2007 the training mode changed to 4 week. This training mode was project-based
learning and it was implemented to first two cohorts. The teacher was required
to have the training in two week at institute teachers education (IPG) and
another two weeks at school. The training mode continues with the changes for
three weeks at IPG while one week at school from the aspect of methodology.
During this training, teacher was exposed to the implementation of Bestari
through the development of specific project.
since implementation of Smarts schools in Malaysia
There are
several challenges since the implementation of Smarts school such as most of
the teachers are still using the traditional ways of teaching even they already
received the Bestari training programmed. They also refuse to integrate the
teaching and learning with ICT. This is because they are worried about not
being able to complete the syllabus. Based on the study conducted by Mahani
Wahab (2006), regarding the use of electronic resource materials among the
Bestari teacher in Selangor found that 64% of the respondent prefer to complete
the syllabus using the traditional method and 72.4%of the respondents agree
with the view that only a small number of student can be manage in the computer
laboratories which make the teaching and learning less effective. Abd Rahim
(1999) found that teacher who undergone Bestari training was less creative and
innovative. They were still continue the existing pattern of teaching and did
not able to generate mental development among the student.
Apart from
that, there were also voices of rejection towards this change. This is because
they are worried as how far the Smarts school can ensure the achievement of
excellent student because the last thing being evaluated is the achievement in
examination. These worries arise because they were still thinking that the
existing system is good enough. Based on the study conducted by Sharifah (2000)
which states the changes in the educational system is still cannot achieved
because of the individuals who are in charge are still imprisoned by the old
There is also
problem arise with the software which is currently used since the
implementation of Smarts school. It has been criticized by the parents and
teachers because the software provided were sub-standard and did not suitable for
the high achieving student. Education Minister, Razak (1999) has admitted that
the ministry’s courseware is not up to the standard. But he explained that it
was for temporary used and would be replaced with the second version of
software. The ministry also has confessed the mistake for not taking views from
teacher and student before.
Apart from
that, there were many complaints about the shortage of computers. One teacher
said: “the facilities, the computers and equipment are limited”. This problem
arises when there were the increasing of students which cause each computer
have to be shared by two students and this may reduce the opportunity of using
computer equally. One teacher said: “We had the computer in the old classroom
but not in the new one. This is due to the moving of classroom to the new
building which takes a long period to set the new cabling. Other than that, one
of the schools had problem with the outdated and slow computer. One student
said: “We need high speed computer”. One teacher said: “The cost providing
computers and the maintenance in all smarts school are very high and the
government cannot afford that”. At the end they just turn back to the
traditional ways, do the talk and chalk.
Exam centered
learning also become one of the challenges during the implementation of Smarts
school programme. One student said: “Learning using the computer is only
deepening your knowledge but it does not help you in your examination”. Most of
them would prefer to study for the examination rather than to attend the
computer literacy class. In their opinion, the skill in computer can be learnt
at anytime but preparation for the examination is always comes first. They also
did not bother if the teachers just teach without the using of ICT. Their also
would prefer to use the national text book compare to Smarts school textbook
because the national text book is more compatible with the examination.
Slide Smart School
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